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Our best deals available on all Renault car leasing

Most French people are aware of the history of Renault and how the first factory was set up in 1898 for car manufacture by Louis Renault and his brothers, mainly for motor racing at that time, but later on for the mass production of Renault cars. Sadly for their customers in those early days car leasing had not been invented.

Renault have numbered their car production in the millions over the years and are one of the larger French car manufacturers with a substantial amount of new Renault cars being sold directly to leasing companies.

One of the reasons why Renault cars are so popular to the leasing fraternity is because the manufacturer has listened to what their customers say in terms of what they require from a new leased vehicle.

The car makers acted on the advice of their customers and came up with a succession of top models, all of which have been very popular both to outright buyers and lessees alike.

Though not wishing to seem in any way repetitious we nevertheless have to give our opinion on the advantages of leasing new Renault cars against buying them on HP or via a lump sum payment because whenever did you buy a car and have all the service costs met for some years?

Additionally, when did you ever buy a car and have the road tax paid for you for a period of years? Well, all this happens when you lease a Renault, and the only expenses you are left with are paying your car tax and filling the fuel tank whenever necessary.

But whilst on the subject of tax, were you aware that when leasing a Renault car business users are allowed to offset a substantial amount of their monthly payments against tax? Maybe you ought to lease your next Peugeot.

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