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We can offer the best Land Rover leasing deals that money can buy!

The good old Land Rover, trusty old Land Rover is the second oldest four wheel drive vehicle after the Willys Jeep, and the Landy brand originates from the 1947 model, many years before leasing became popular and a somewhat more bumpy ride than the vehicles produced today, but which over the years became synonymous with driving in very difficult terrain in the knowledge that it would get you to places which could not be attempted in any other vehicle.

That is why you will see Land Rovers in pretty well every country in the world, and they are still used profusely throughout Africa where they are able to deal with the most difficult terrain.

Obviously the Land Rovers of yesteryear had to evolve and they have done so in a style which gives comfort now where there was little previously, stamina, speed and the guts to do what you tell it to do. Little wonder then that Land Rover is so popular with those who prefer to lease their cars.

Leasing a Land Rover is so easy, and cheap, we thing, compared to some forms of purchasing. Buy a Land Rover outright and you have to provide a lump sum of money which you may be able to use for other important purposes. Buy one on HP and you will still have to provide a hefty deposit and pay a tidy sum in interest.

Lease a Land Rover though and there is no lump sum to provide, there is no interest to pay either, in fact you only have to pay for the fuel you use and your car insurance as all servicing costs and road tax are covered under the terms of the lease.

We even deliver your new Land Rover free of charge too.

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